Magic Happens When You Make a Decision.

The fact is, when you want to create something in your life, you have to make a clear decision.

No waffling.

You’ve heard this before. I see proof of this in my life and with my daughters. Example my youngest daughter had spent a lot of money on concert tickets and a flight to New York.
The friend she planned to go with was stalling on purchasing her flight which was causing anxiety for my daughter and she was getting stressed out about it.

We talked about it and I reminded her that she would just need to make the decision that she is going whether this other person comes or not and release that person from her decision making process, and just allow what was meant to be for her to come forth.
And if the other person joins, awesome, but worrying about whether she would or not was creating hesitation, which creates doubt (you know where I’m going with this).

I’m so proud of her because this is what she did, she made a clear, focussed, decision even though she was nervous about going to New York alone she decided she was going to do it and it would be an empowering experience.

Since making that decision, the amazing support, people, and opportunities that have shown up are beyond her wildest imagination. She’s having an amazing trip. She’s staying in Greenwich, Connecticut in her own adorable little guest house, has been chauffeur driven from the airport and after the concert, she is having very special treatment.
I don’t want to mention too many details without her permission, but she will be well looked after in New York, and we can all relax knowing that she will be safe, in a comfortable and beautiful space, and she sold her extra concert ticket!

What are you holding yourself back from making a clear decision on? Remember you can always count on me for some fierce mother coaching and guidance.

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