Understanding Your Strategy and Inner Authority in Human Design


The first thing that really struck me about Human Design was the fact that you get your own strategy and inner authority for making decisions. This personalized blueprint guides you towards living in alignment with your true self, enhancing your life in profound ways.

Strategy: Navigating Life with Ease

Your Strategy is how you interact with the world and navigate through life. Each Human Design type has its own unique Strategy, helping you move through life with more ease and less resistance. Here’s a quick guide for each type:

  • Manifestors: Inform others before taking action.

  • Generators/Manifesting Generators: Respond to life’s opportunities.

  • Projectors: Wait for recognition and invitation.

  • Reflectors: Wait a lunar cycle before making decisions.

By following your Strategy, you align yourself with your natural flow, making interactions smoother and decisions clearer.

Inner Authority: Your Decision-Making Compass

Your Inner Authority is your inner decision-making compass, guiding you to tune into your body’s wisdom rather than relying solely on your mind. Here’s how different types of Inner Authority work:

  • Emotional Authority: Wait for emotional clarity before making decisions.

  • Sacral Authority: Listen to your gut response.

  • Splenic Authority: Trust your spontaneous intuition.

  • Ego Authority: Follow your willpower and heart.

  • Self-Projected Authority: Speak your truth and listen to your own voice.

  • Environmental (Mental) Authority: Consult trusted allies in the right environment.

  • Lunar Authority: Reflect over a full lunar cycle.

Understanding and living by your Inner Authority leads to more fulfilling and authentic life choices, reducing stress and increasing satisfaction.

Begin Your Journey of Self-Discovery

Your journey of self-discovery starts now! Embracing and applying your Strategy and Inner Authority can profoundly impact your life, just as it has mine. These tools guide you towards making decisions that are right for you, helping you live in harmony with your true self.

If you have any questions about your chart or need further guidance, don’t hesitate to reach out. I'm here to support you every step of the way.

Don’t have a chart? Grab one here


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